Thursday 9 May 2013

A New Look

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that the Lucky Ladybird blog has a new look complete with hand-sewn banner and a pretty pink colour scheme. But it's more than just a spring clean, all the Lucky Ladybird sites including the Twitter and Facebook pages have been restyled to match the new website that went live today. is still in development but will soon include a shop selling all my new products (and some of my old products too) as well as plenty of info about me and how I work. But don't worry, the blog will stay where it is for the foreseeable future.
If there's anything else you'd like to see included in the new website then let me know. The new couple of months are going to be very busy while I get things up and running, but I hope to be back with more tutorials very soon. Until then stay lucky,

LL xx