Thursday 7 May 2015

And so the waiting begins...

As of today Thursday 7th May 2015 the Lucky Ladybird online shop has been suspended. is still up and running but just as a holding page. I've taken my last order and waddled my way to the post office for the last time this year, and so my maternity leave begins! Technically as I'm 37 weeks the baby ladybird is allowed to arrive at any time now, but something tells me I might be playing a waiting game. I will keep you updated, but until then I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all my wonderful fans and customers. This last year has been especially amazing thanks to you. Wish me luck!

LL xx

P.S. The business will be restarting in Febrauary 2016, so this isn't goodbye forever, in fact I'm hoping to bring you all lots of fresh ideas and designs when I return to work!